General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions
By completing the purchase process (online or on-site), the customer agrees to the following General Terms and Conditions:


1. Conclusion of Contract and Withdrawal
The contract is only concluded with the sending of a confirmation email. The customer is informed that, according to § 312g Para. 2 No. 9 BGB, the statutory right of withdrawal is excluded. “BAAM Kids Village” offers the customer the option to withdraw from the contract and cancel the stay within 24 hours of sending the confirmation email. In the event of cancellation after 24 hours or a no-show by the group, the full amount will be charged to the booking person.


2. Admission
Upon conclusion of the contract, the customer acquires the right to access the premises of “BAAM Kids Village.” The period and duration of the stay are determined by the time slot selected by the customer and mentioned in the confirmation email. The customer, along with the persons named during the purchase process, is granted access to the premises during this time slot. The customer agrees to leave the premises promptly at the end of the booked time slot. If the customer cannot utilize the entire time slot, there is no entitlement to a partial refund or extension.


3. Behavior within the Premises
The customer agrees to observe and comply with the rules of conduct and house regulations within the premises. The customer further agrees to supervise and ensure compliance with these rules by the children they accompany.

The rules of conduct are as follows:

  • For hygiene reasons, eating and drinking are prohibited within the play area.
  • The play area may only be entered with (non-slip) socks.
  • For safety reasons, personal items such as toys, bags, or backpacks may not be brought onto the play area. Clothing with cords, strings, hooks, or similar elements, as well as jewelry and hairpins, are not permitted. Such items must be stored in a locker.
  • Children under the age of 6 must be accompanied and supervised, particularly when using the restroom.
  • Smoking and the use of lighters, matches, or other open flames are strictly prohibited at “BAAM Kids Village.”
  • In case of violations of the rules of conduct, “BAAM Kids Village” reserves the right to remove guests from the premises at its discretion without refunding the entrance fee.
  • Filming and photography are permitted on our premises. However, strangers may only be filmed or photographed with their consent.

4. Supervision and Care Obligation, Liability
The customer is specifically obligated to ensure the supervision of the children they accompany. The person responsible for supervision is not permitted to leave the child alone on the premises. “BAAM Kids Village” assumes no liability for damages resulting from a breach of the supervision obligation. The customer has been informed that the staff at “BAAM Kids Village” do not have any special medical training. Furthermore, the customer has been informed that neither the operator nor its agents assume any supervision or care duties. All facilities and equipment may only be used for their intended purpose. The use of all play equipment and facilities is at the user’s own risk. The operator is committed to maintaining the facilities in a functional, safe, and clean condition. The supervision and care responsibility rests solely with the parents or accompanying adults. Children may only visit the premises in the company of at least one supervising adult. The operator and its agents are only liable in cases of intent or gross negligence.


5. Video Surveillance
The customer has been informed about the video surveillance of the premises and agrees to it. The video surveillance is for safety and security purposes and to uphold the house rules on our premises. Recordings are processed in compliance with GDPR and deleted in accordance with legal requirements.


6. Liability for Brought Items
“BAAM Kids Village” assumes no liability for items brought by the customer. This also applies to the covered outdoor area intended for strollers. The customer agrees to take care of their own belongings. “BAAM Kids Village” assumes no liability for lost or stolen items.


7. Own Food and Drinks
Bringing and consuming your own food and drinks is not permitted. The exception to this is baby food.


8. Private Events
If the customer wishes to hold a private event (closed group), this must be arranged in advance with “BAAM Kids Village.” Due to the limited capacity of the premises, we reserve the right to offer the customer a personalized offer for bookings of 10 or more people. The customer may contact the operator in advance to make such arrangements.

In addition to the above points, the following paragraph applies to private events:

  • The customer is permitted to bring small decorative items (e.g., candles, balloons, table decorations without confetti). However, bringing your own food (including birthday cakes) or drinks is not allowed without prior agreement.
  • The customer is also prohibited from bringing confetti or similar decorations that could complicate cleaning. Piñatas are not allowed on our premises.
  • Even during private events, the customer agrees to leave the premises promptly and in a clean condition at the end of the booked time slot. If the customer leaves waste or the premises in an unclean condition, the operator may charge a cleaning fee of €50. Exceeding the time slot will be charged at €60 for each additional 15 minutes.
  • The customer agrees to provide a phone number for coordinating the private event.

9. Handling Customer Data
The operator is committed to handling the data provided by the customer with care, not sharing it with third parties, and destroying it immediately after the contractual relationship ends. Data processing is carried out exclusively in accordance with applicable data protection laws (GDPR). The customer has the right to request information about their stored data at any time and to request its deletion, provided there are no legal retention obligations.


10. Final Provisions
The place of performance for all obligations arising from the contract is the registered office of “BAAM Kids Village.” The place of jurisdiction, where legally permissible, is the competent court at the registered office of “BAAM Kids Village.” Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be or become invalid due to a later event, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. Instead of the invalid provisions, regulations that come closest to what the parties would have intended shall apply, had they considered the point in question. The same applies to any gaps in these terms and conditions.


As of September 2024